Jun 202017
Just Keep Swimming!

Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a great afternoon of swimming in their Inter-House Galas this term. They entered the pool, chanting their House name, showing great enthusiasm and determination. With 10 activities and 2 water stops to rotate around, the children were able to show a wide range of skills, including freestyle, backstroke, diving, jumping, water polo and water basketball skills, as well as the ability to negotiate the slalom. As in all competitive scenarios, there had to be an overall winner. The results were:

  Year 1 Year 2
Individual Activity Winners:    
Basketball Shoot Winners Kestrel Falcon
Motorbike Noodle Winners Merlin Merlin
Frogboard Relay Winners Osprey Kestrel
Water Polo Shoot Winners Falcon Osprey
Overall Results:    
1st Falcon Kestrel
2nd Osprey Osprey
3rd Merlin Merlin
4th Kestrel Falcon