Sep 282016
Visiting Maekok again

This year saw Year 12 and 13 students return to Thailand for the annual visit to the Maekok River Village and another year of building, language teaching and our very own British Sports Day. With a group of 53, including six members of staff, we worked closely with the Maekok team to help lay the foundations of a new school for students with additional learning needs. This year also saw a record number of donations, including 40kg of football boots and at least double that in sports kit for the local students. Students were involved from the beginning in learning how to mix concrete, engage as a team, build rafts, push their confidence to the limit and many of them overcame fears they never knew they had.

Thailand Community Service

It was a wonderful experience to see them grow as young adults. The students were exemplary throughout the trip, whether in always being on time (if not early) for meetings, the respect for each other, willingness to work with local students and the determination they had on the building site. Once again, some students went the extra mile and raised enough money to sponsor a child for three years of their education outright. This year also saw the school continue with its sponsorship of over ten local children, some of whom are now in university.  All staff at the centre remarked on the work ethic and commitment our students had shown, praising them all in the final goodbyes. It was another remarkable trip, made even more special by the example these students have set for others.