Oct 162012

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our first online Newsletter, which we call “News@St-Chris”.

The first edition is bursting with a wide range of topics: health and fitness; cultural and sporting events and a variety of others from recent weeks.  In addition, you MUST read the article on our excellent and record-breaking exams results – SATS, GCSEs, A-levels and International Baccalaureate.

The list of contents really shows the incredibly varied nature of our pupils’ daily lives – and all this in a few short weeks!

One of my favourites, because I got to sit on the floor and enjoy some time with some of our three-year olds, was the opening of Goodwin’s Grocers.  The enjoyment our youngest pupils found in this mock-up of a shop in the Nursery wing was really uplifting – and it got me away from the phone and computer for a while!

Well done Nursery staff; well done indeed to all St Chris staff who have worked hard to start the year with a vibrant set of educational experiences – and well done too to all of the students and parents who took part in events described in News@St-Chris.

The future of News@St-Chris is that it will be issued approximately every two weeks and it will continually develop to meet the needs of all parts of our community.  You will find, after this our very first edition, that the style will become more journalistic and informal.

Do you have any suggestions?  Send them in to Ciosa Butlin, who manages the Newsletter, at  ciosa.news@st-chris.net. We are aware that Internet Explorer 7 has challenges in displaying News@St-Chris correctly, you may wish to consider upgrading to a newer version of web browser for your operating system.

I hope you enjoy this dip into the day-to-day life of our school.