Nov 282012
28 November 2012

It’s already time for our third edition of the newsletter documenting a variety of items that all help to highlight the truly diverse and unique world of St Christopher’s!

Loading up boxes to go to Nairobi

I am especially proud of our community work, illustrating as it does our commitment to ensure that every child from Nursery to Sixth Form spends some time serving others. Whilst we recognise that undertaking service is intrinsically valuable, it is also true that our pupils develop into more rounded young people as a result of their helping others. In this edition you can read of Senior School students and teachers giving up their spare time to count, fold, sort and pack all those old school uniforms you kindly donated. You will also hear about BSPCA sponsorship, a second hand book sale to benefit Thai orphans and the success of our Marathon Relay teams and their community and team spirit.  Projects like these help our pupils develop into Global Citizens. You may have noticed our definition of a Global Citizen displayed around the school:


The Global Citizen knows there are many national, cultural, religious and personal frameworks
within which a person can live a good and productive life

Even where these frameworks differ from her own experience and preferences, her strong moral and ethical values
lead her to respect them;
to appreciate their interdependence and also
that of people in general

She has a propensity to improve the human condition by building positive relationships,
reducing conflict and violence and by aiding people
whose lives are impoverished
or otherwise disadvantaged

Equipped with an understanding of the
symbiotic relationship
between humankind and planet earth,
she takes an action-orientated stance to the
protection and healing of the
physical and biological environment

The Global Citizen is concerned
for the well-being of Earth and its people
She cares for these,
even beyond her own direct experience
and sphere of existence

Nursery Rainbow Day

From Rainbow Day in Nursery to our classical Arabic speaking week at the Senior School, there’s lots of news in this edition for you to share with friends and family.  It is of course our Festive Fayre this weekend and the Friends of St Chris (FOSC) team have been working tremendously hard to ensure we all have a great day. I hope that as many of you as possible will come along and support the school on Friday. See you there!