Jun 262013
25 June 2013

The school year at St Christopher’s doesn’t wind-down …. it continues at a high pace, right up to the end!

This is reflected in the diverse events represented in this edition of the Newsletter. This is the final edition of the year and I would like to express my appreciation to all those involved in producing Newsletters over recent months and, in particular, Ciosa Butlin, Bronwen Kruger, Gillie Van der Eyken and Steve Keeble. Thank you all.

Coming back to this edition; I am particularly delighted with the on-going support of migrant workers described in one article and congratulate all staff and pupils who have given up some of their time to this, and a wide range of other worthwhile causes and events. This is part of what it means to be a “St Christopher’s Person” – whether as a student, a teacher or as a member of the various teams of support staff.

Another event that demonstrated the talents and great attitudes of both pupils and staff – and of parent volunteers – was Honk!  This musical retelling of the Ugly Duckling story was performed by a large cast of Year 5 and 6 students. Honk! is a demanding production, but our pupils responded with two, fantastic evening performances – with a reprise at the Year 7 and Y8 Celebration Ceremony.  Read more inside – I am sure that the Senior School drama staff can’t wait to be working with these young stars in the years to come!

The Summer Ball at the Crown Plaza, (for Years 11 – 13) was a high-class event which was planned and run by the Senior Student Team, with a range of serious and not so serious awards from students to students (and a couple to staff-members as well). Seeing Year 13 students, in particular, dressed in fine and elegant clothes and taking to a formal occasion like ducks to water, is just one of the many things that make me proud of how St Chris prepares helps to prepare young adults for the future. Their sophistication and maturity – allied with humour and genuine appreciation for the strengths and contributions of those other than themselves, are qualities noted by visitors to our school.  I am sure that they will go on to forge fine lives of which they, their parents and we at St Christopher’s can all be proud.

The Parent Questionnaire (PQ) was completed by around 22% of parents – a disappointing response rate, but better, apparently, than most schools achieve on-line. The PQ does NOT feature in any of today’s articles – and, given some of the issues some of you (especially families with several children) had in completing multiple versions – you may think I have adopted the policy of “let sleeping dogs lie”.  Not at all! The responses are being analysed in England right now, but the feedback to us will not arrive until many of you have left for the summer – perhaps lying on a beach somewhere, with the PQ the very last thing on your mind!  Rest assured: I will report back to you in September on the results.

In the meantime, may I wish all of you a happy summer break and, whether your connection with St Christopher’s is continuing or has come to an end, may you find success and happiness in the year to come.