Jun 262013
Well Deserved Awards

This is always a fantastic event to celebrate the end of an era for the Year 6 students and to mark the completion of the transition for Year 7 students into the Senior School. The afternoon was a true celebration of the myriad achievements of our students.

Mr Wilson, Head of Senior School, delivered the welcoming address. He observed that the awards being presented at this ceremony, reflected the skills that St Christopher’s inculcates in our students and the skills that are  essential for success in the  modern world regardless of which career path our students choose.  After the welcoming address, certificates were presented by Mr Ian Fellows, Head of Infant School, Mrs Bataineh, Head of  Junior School, Mr Wilson, and Mr Goodwin, Principal of St Christopher’s School. Students received prizes for Academic Achievement, Progress, Community Service, Global Citizenship, Effort, Form Tutor Prizes, Autonomous Learner awards and Class Peer Prizes. The Head of Year 7 Prize was awarded to Jackson McNaught and the Year Leader prize for Year 6 was presented to Naeemah Winter. The coveted, and prestigious, Principal’s award was presented by Mr Goodwin to Diana Meirinho Domingues in Year 7 and to Sheherazade Al Shahry in Year 6.  Mr Goodwin remarked in his address to the audience that  the event truly showcased the impressive range of talents of our students. The proceedings were complemented by a variety of excellent musical performances from a number of Year 6 and Year 7 students