Sep 192013
New Beginnings

Tuesday 10 September saw the first of the Junior School’s PSHE assemblies; this term based around the topic: New Beginnings. Each half term our circle time topics were kicked off with a rousing assembly, planned to encourage the children to think about: caring for others, friendships, conflict, setting goals and managing change.

Last Tuesday’s assembly started with a catchy song, which certainly livened us up! This was followed by Wendy Bataineh, Head of Junior School and Alison Woods, Assistant Head of Junior School giving us information about all the new things that are happening at St Christopher’s. Tim Mannings (Assistant Head of Junior School) then concluded with his annual school uniform talk where we were told to ‘Look smart, think smart’.

We were lucky enough to have last year’s school councillors give us all an update of the new things that have been included over the summer and changes that they have made to the school. Hopefully, this will encourage lots of pupils to put themselves forward for this year’s Student Council. The highlight of the assembly came when Mark Holness introduced the new House Captains. It was EXTREMELY hard to choose this year’s House Captains as there were so many good candidates! Well done to the following students: