Sep 192013
Anyone for Tea?

On Thursday 5 September, Year 1 parents were invited to join their children and teachers in the first of many opportunities to get into the classrooms – The Year 1 Tea Party. Children, teachers, mums, dads and some grandparents came together for refreshments and to complete an activity based on their family tree as well as just enjoying each others’ company. 


It was a flurry of activity in all classrooms; drawing writing and colouring. This was also an early opportunity for Year 1 parents to meet new Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants and to acquaint themselves with the children’s new surroundings. Everyone had a fun time and the resulting work is proudly displayed in each classroom. May we extend our thanks to the many family members who joined us to make the event such a memorable one. Why not pop back and take a look at the work produced?