Oct 102013
 Negotiating Mind Change

St Christopher’s hosted the second BSME Debating Tournament from 3 – 5 October. Competing teams came from Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. Thirty six teams took part in 134 debates over two days. St Christopher’s won both the Senior and Junior sections of the tournament, and were runners up in the Junior event. The prizes were awarded by Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bahrain, His Excellency Iain Lindsay.

As well as adjudicating and co-running the event, James Harper, with the help of Sixth Former Anthara Madhusudhanan, handled the league tables as teams progressed, which greatly added to the intensity and excitement of the weekend. It is clear that a debating culture is now firmly established at St Christopher’s and we shall follow this event with Year and House competitions to extend the network of our debaters and their influence. It was pleasing to hear this term that two ex St Christopher’s debaters, Riva Kapoor and Adam Wilson, recently triumphed in debating competitions in their new schools. Open House Debating resumes after the half term on Sundays. Students of all years are most welcome.