Oct 102013
Future Inspiration

We were very fortunate to have Ben Walden visiting from the UK to deliver a series of workshops called “Stand Up Tall”. Our Year 12 students, along with the Year 13 Senior Leadership Team and Prefects, were captivated by Mr Walden’s inspirational message on how to express yourself in the most positive way.

Mr Walden is an actor who has played a number of leading roles on television, in film and in the theatre. In his presentation he described the structure of the Globe Theatre in London, cleverly linking the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire to the way our students present themselves. He acted out some scenarios with the students and helped them to think about their body language and tone of voice. A particular highlight was when he described his meeting with Nelson Mandela, providing our students with some insight into one the greatest leaders of our time. Each student was then asked to consider their own inspirational role models and how these relate to their future plans.