Nov 282013

Barry Hobday, ‘Head of Taches’, reports that the male staff and Sixth Form boys decided to remain hairy once again during the month of November to raise money for Men’s Health in Bahrain. This is actually a world wide charity event started by two Australians in Adelaide about 10 years ago and has raised millions of Dollars (and Dinars) since its humble beginnings. The ladies also took part – not by growing moustaches! – but by producing ‘felt’ taches which were sold to students and staff in the Senior School.

This year saw the introduction of blue ribbons and Movember T-Shirts as organised by Ms Kirsty McKay and helped to not only raise money but also awareness of this important cause. Altogether, just over BD1,333 was raised and will be donated to The Bahrain Cancer Society in support of prostate cancer research. Special mention must be made of Dr Shaun Baker who alone raised overBD730 – I am sure that everyone will appreciate this amazing achievement!!