Nov 282013
A Day of French Fantasy

No it was not a dream, the Eiffel Tower, sponsored by Peugeot, appeared in the Junior Hall on November 20 to celebrate French Day!

Throughout the day,  Junior School pupils visited stalls representing different shops in France and were able to sample a variety of delicious French foods. The event culminated in a wonderful assembly. 6C opened proceedings by dancing to a famous song of Michel Fugain. They were followed by our amazing singers singing:

Je Veux  (I Want), by Zaz’s, interpreted by Asma Le Falher

Parlez-moi de Lui (Tell Me about Him), by Chimene Badie,  interpreted by Mrs Patrick and the choir

Aimer jusqu’ à l’Impossible (Love without Limits) by Tina Arena , interpreted by Alami Karma, Lydia Wapshaka, Beatrice Tinsley, Nikita Azua and Kamilia Al Kanfoudi

You are the One for Me Formidable, by Charles Aznavour, interpreted by Josie Dodson, Luke Bennett, Nikita Azua, Beatrice Tinsley, Alami Karma and Hiba  Muzammil.

There was also a Miss France show with girls representing French regions.

Our thanks to all the performers who were FORMIDABLE!

We are grateful to all the parents who helped make the day such a success, led by the wonderful

Mrs Le Falher, and to our generous sponsors Peugeot, Géant, Carrefour, and Paul Café.