Jan 082014
A Day of Festive Fun

Our annual Festive Fayre, organised by the Friends of St Chris, was held on Friday 29 November. We were delighted that so many parents, children and members of the community joined us to enjoy the many games, activities and stalls, and to see the arrival of Father Christmas – in a convertible ‘reindeer’ mini! Pupils from across the school sang and played festive music to a receptive audience of young and old, enjoying mince pies from our FOSC café and a luxury high tea from Crowne Plaza.

A huge thank you to all the parents, pupils and staff who helped make the day such a resounding success, with over 13,000BD being raised on the day towards FOSC funds.

Thank you too to our many sponsors (listed below) for their kind donations of raffle prizes, and to other individuals and local companies for their support of the event.