Feb 202014

AS-Level Drama Performances

On Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February, the AS Drama students performed their examination performance of ‘Beasts & Beauties’, a collection of European Folk Tales adapted by Carol Ann Duffy.

The audience was taken on an emotional roller coaster through the tales of The Juniper Tree, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Beauty and The Beast, The Boy and the North Wind and Blue Beard. Mrs Leap, who had watched the performance in the rehearsal stages as well as the final examination, reports “There were many moments which have stayed with me, but I’ve got to mention how much I loved the fans that covered Jack Pearce as the Emperor in his ‘new’ clothes, the beast, in Beauty and The Beast, which was created with chains for the mouth and drums for the eyes, and also the movement sequence at the beginning of Bluebeard… so haunting, a sequence of freeze frame images of Blue Beard’s wives. There was such a buzz from the audience afterwards, we left the theatre on a high”. Well done to Nadine, Persia, Izzy, Hannah, Jack, Bobby, Iain, Zoraiz and Karly for all their hard work.

Drama Collage