Mar 202014

SPARTA Open Tennis Championships SPARTA

SPARTA Open Tennis Championships age 9-11year olds took place on Saturday 15 February at St Christopher’s School in Saar. This proved to be a great success due to the excellent organisation of the SPARTA coaches, Adam Bussens and Simon Bourner, and volunteer helper Hannah van der Eyken. Competition for the final standings was hotly contested with all children battling hard on the day. Parents were able to see a tremendous amount of talent on show which took place on the St Christopher’s outdoor tennis courts. The final results were:

1st place               Akshat Gupta

2nd place             Sairama Balakrishnan

3rd place              Sai Raghav

All competitors showed great determination and will be hungry for more competitions planned in future SPARTA tennis events.

(To enquire about SPARTA Tennis coaching Tel: 17598475).