Jul 032014

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28 pupils of the Junior School sat the Delf Prim exams on Saturday 7 June  at the Alliance Française de Bahrein. The exams went well and the results have been once again outstanding with exceptional performances as most of the students achieved scores above 90.

The highest grade for A1.1 was attributed to Angalaparameshwari Rajasegaran and Sanjana Srinivasan who achieved 100%. The highest grade for Delf Prim A1 was obtained by Hamoudi Shaheen, who achieved a 95% grade.

The highest grade for Delf Prim A2 was achieved by Atlee Durnion with an 89.5% grade. For Year 6 students, this experience is the first step in their French learning.

 For Angala, Delf was really exciting: ”I cannot believe that I am one the ones who broke the record. I was determined to break the record though. I want to do the A1 in Year 7 and continue until B2”.

Ophelia was also over the moon: ”I learnt so much in the Delf preparation and definitely want to continue French. I am very proud of my score  (99/100)”.

Félicitations et bravo!