Nov 132014
What Makes Me Feel Proud Assembly

Our first ‘What Makes Me Feel Proud’ assembly for this school year began with Miss Bataineh sharing the endeavours of her Kindness Club and encouraging the other children to undertake Random Acts of Kindness (RAK’s) especially on World Kindness Day and encouraging those who received a RAK to pass it on by undertaking a Random Act of Kindness themselves. We then learnt a new song which Mrs Marshall is teaching the Juniors “Love Shine a Light”.

Proud Awards

The theme of kindness continued through two other items at the assembly when Charlotte (4B) and Aubrie (4B) used a PowerPoint presentation to explain how proud they were of raising money through bake sales in order to help the charity “Feed the Needy” which has installed fridges in various convenient places in Bahrain so that food items can be left for those in need to help themselves to. Charlotte and Aubrie have been very proactive in this area and hearing about their valuable work will undoubtedly inspire other children to undertake similar projects.

We also heard from Kizzy (5F), Tess (5E) and Jasmine (5D) who had their lovely long locks cut off so that they could be made into wigs by the Little Princess Trust a Charity for children who provide wigs to those who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatment. Not only did they help the charity, but they acquired beautiful stylish haircuts as well!  Mr Marshall joined them at the end to tell us that the young ladies had also worked hard outside of school and raised a substantial sum of money for the charity.

Our other items ranged through a diverse range of things to be proud of. We had Safa (4B) who demonstrated Capoeira, showed us a medal she had won and shared some facts about the discipline. Florence Wilkins (3F) had put together a PowerPoint showing some very creative, bright art work which she has every reason to be proud of!  It was all her own original work and completed at out of school art classes she attends. Another pupil taking a pride in her creative work was Freya Evans-Wolf (6B) who described for us in detail her passion for all things mystical. Freya makes her own books including making up her own magical creatures to feature in them. Leyan (6A) showed us her art work and described the process she goes through when she is inspired to create.

Reverting to a sporting theme we had Thomas (5A), Matthew (5A), Jason (5B), Zaki (5C), Ryan (5F), Jed (5C), Joe (5F) who dressed for the part and wore their extremely smart rugby kits and eloquently described their recent tournament in Abu Dhabi where they made it to the semi-final despite the fact that over 240 teams took part.

Well done to all of you, treasure those certificates!