Jan 222015
Ships Ahoy!

In December the children in Year 2 set sail for the Bahrain Yacht Club at the end of a fascinating geography topic on Oceans and Seas. During this new topic the children learnt about life under the sea and man’s impact on the ocean environment.

 While they were at the Yacht Club, the children examined life at the water’s edge and were fascinated by the thousands of tiny hermit crabs as well as spotting other crabs, oyster shells and large shoals of fish. They also collected shells, looked at the different boats moored there and built amazing sand sculptures.


Time flew by and before we knew it the sun was over the yardarm and it was time to come about and head several nautical miles back to school, with sand between our toes and salt in our hair.

Everyone had a brilliant time and it was great to see some of the animals we had talked about during the previous half term in their natural habitat.