Oct 212015
Examination Performances

On the 18 and 19 October, the Year 13 Drama students performed their Unit 3 examination performances to invited audiences. These polished and highly creative pieces were devised by the Year 13 students based on their own choices of stimuli. The first group performed ‘The Jonestown Massacre’, examining the 1970s mass suicide of ‘The People’s Temple’ cult in Guyana. This piece was devised and performed by Alaa Alaradi, Joseph Gallagher, Hisham Husain, Tara McCarthy and Almass Mubarak, with lighting by Fraser Kennedy and sound by Ahmed Abdulla. The second group’s performance, ‘I Can Still Feel You’, explored four true cases of kidnapped girls, their lives in captivity and their subsequent escape. This was devised and performed by Alaa Alaradi, Joseph Gallagher, Hisham Husain, Tara McCarthy, Almass Mubarak with lighting by Ahmed Jheir. The Year 13 students had rehearsed intensively for seven weeks, and the sophistication and variety demonstrated in their performances reflected their hard work, creativity and their advanced knowledge of the theatre.
