Nov 182015
Charming Tudors!

For many people the world over, November 11 is all about remembrance and, on this day, this year, Year 5 were busy creating memories of their own at our long awaited Tudor Day.


The atmosphere remained suitably solemn, if not regal, as the Grand Hall filled up with Tudors from all walks of life. It was refreshing to see not only kings and queens, but servants, paupers and even the odd executioner. In fact, every single person present sported some costume or another and, sitting in Tudor rows at the long tables, this helped create such a wonderful ambience that briefly, transported us all back to the court of Henry VIII.

The banquet itself was punctuated by a variety of musical performances. Each class, under the able leadership and tutelage of the Music Department, entertained the assemblage with a range of contemporary Tudor music. The standard of performances was extremely high and this not only entertained but helped everyone digest the fantastic feast. Following on from the children’s performance, as has become a tradition, the teachers of Year 5 then gave their own performance, forming a Tudor recorder and percussion ensemble. The musical programme concluded with a unison rendition of that old favourite: Greensleeves.


Tremendous thanks must go to the parent helpers from Year 5 who not only decorated the Grand Hall beautifully and served the food efficiently, but who managed to look extremely becoming – all at the same time!

When not performing or feasting, the children enjoyed producing their own Tudor-style portraits and these should soon be on display in the Year 5 Area.