May 252016
Fire Fighter and Ambulance Fun – Nee Naw Nee Naw Nee Naw!

Nursery had a fabulous visit from Manama fire brigade. They brought along their yellow fire engine for all the children to explore. The firemen showed the children all of the different tools and appliances they use for their job. The children were fascinated by the hoses, the extending ladders, sand bags and heavy helmets.


The highpoint of the day was when a firefighter sprinkled us all with water from the hose. There were spontaneous yells of delight rallying around the playground. The children and most of the teachers surrendered to the lure of the water, as they splashed and wallowed in the fantastic fun!


As part of our learning about how people help us, the Nursery recently enjoyed a visit from an International Hospital ambulance. The children were particularly interested in this subject and had lots of interesting ideas on how doctors and nurses help us. The children displayed a keen interest in the ambulance and the equipment inside. Later in the day, the children took part in role play and dressed up in uniforms and made each other better again.