Oct 262016
Great Results!

The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academically rigorous and internationally recognised qualification, generally taken at the end of Year 11. We are very proud therefore that selected Year 6 pupils have been sitting this exam for the last five years and have consistently achieved high results in their scores. This year, our pupils’ results were exceptional!

Nineteen children sat the test and here are their fantastic results:

Results % of Pupils
A+ 42%
A 37%
B 21%

Mrs Manal said “The children worked very hard and I am very proud of their results. Their knowledge of the Arabic language has grown, along with their confidence and speaking skills. Structuring their sentences and composing paragraphs improved drastically. Not only were everyone’s results exceptional, but Caline Hajjar was awarded the 6th highest mark in the world. Now if that’s not something to be proud of, I don’t know what is!!!”

Mrs Manal also thanked the parents of the nineteen pupils for their continued support and cooperation. “Without their support, this could not have been achieved! You can indeed be very proud parents and I am a very proud teacher! Learning languages well is about passion and feelings. I really hope our current pupils will be inspired by these results so they too can master Arabic with confidence.”