Oct 262016
A Sea of Pink



On Thursday 13 October, Staff and students across both St Chris campuses came into school dressed in pink in support of the Think Pink campaign.

Think Pink Bahrain was founded by Ms Julie Sprakel in 2004. Ms Sprakel was a former breast cancer sufferer and we would like to thank her for establishing such a worthy organisation in Bahrain. St Christopher’s School is one of the many schools supporting and raising money for breast cancer awareness, and it is great to see what a difference we can make by coming together as a community.

Fundraising events at the Senior School in Isa Town included ‘Sponge the Teacher’, bake sales, outdoor DJ, and ‘send a flower to a friend’. In addition, there were decorated donation pots placed around the school, nail and face painting, and outdoor busking. The Community Service Captains were hard at work making sure everything was ready for the big day. They arranged, took charge and also helped set up on the day. Even though it was tiring, everyone enjoyed contributing to the very worthy cause!


The campaign also received an excellent show of support at the St Chris Primary School in Saar, where visitors were asked to help ‘Fill Our Hearts’ – large wooden hearts were made especially for this community campaign, and staff, students and parents all helped by placing their donations into the hearts in support of the cause. A group of Year 6 students were also on hand to help with this fantastic initiative!

Thank you to the group of brave teachers who volunteered to face the students in Sponge the Teacher, as well as to the St Christopher’s Boot Camp fitness group for their generous donation of BD90. A big thank you to everyone who brought in cakes for the bake sales across both campuses and to everyone who donated money. And finally, a huge THANK YOU to the whole St Christopher’s community for supporting the Think Pink message!


We are really proud to continue supporting such a worthy cause. A total of BD 3740 was raised this year which will be donated to help with the efforts of Think Pink Bahrain – we are delighted to see the team continue to make such a difference in our community, and look forward to supporting the campaign again next year.