Dec 142016
First Proud Assembly of this School Year 

Our first proud assembly this term began with Sofiya (4B) sharing with us her pride in a variety of achievements in dancing, musical performances, swimming and horse riding – a very talented young lady! Sofiya was followed by Liela Al Sugair from the senior school who outlined her experience on a French scholarship programme in Nice and really personified the adage that hard work and determination really pays off in terms of broadening your horizons and making the most of opportunities that life has to offer.

We were then given many many reasons why you might want to aspire to be a Brownie when Aisling (3E) shared her presentation entitled, “A promise I am proud of”. I am sure she will have inspired lots of other girls to look into joining the Brownies.

Matteo (3C) confidently shared his love of swimming which began in Dubai when he was just four years old and, as he so quite rightly pointed out, that means he has now been swimming for 50% of his life!

Beliz (4B) outlined charitable projects she has been involved in from raising money for the school in Cambodia to supporting the Dogfather.

Lilo (6C) and Noor (5F) told us of their passion for French. They demonstrated confidently their ability to speak expressively in French, illustrating their talks with information and video clips. Lilo emphasised the importance of always trying hard, which for her has been the key to improving her fluency in French.

Year Five were represented by Meyssa (5B) and Selin (5B) who practically demonstrated for us their gymnastic skills. Nayla (5E) played the piano beautifully and explained that she was proud of learning the piano because she can now read notes more accurately and play much longer pieces.

Mr Kremlicka and the String ensemble who played at the Festive Fayre also entertained us during the assembly with a mixed group from Year 4 to 6: Jawaher (4C), Noor (4C), Noora (4C), Freya (5A), Chris (5A), Sophia (5C), Emily (5C), Talia (6F), Faris (6F).

Finally, from Year Six, both sport and music were represented with Karim (6C) playing his guitar very expressively and Zayaan (6B) sharing with us a Quicktime movie of his tennis prowess. His enthusiasm for the game really shone through.

Well done to all of this term’s participants. We are really proud of you all!
