Feb 152017
Charity & Entrepreneurship 

As part of the Year 8 Enrichment Programme, all Year 8 students will be given the opportunity to raise money, for charity, through an activity called ‘The BD10 Challenge’. Students, working in small groups, will be ‘loaned’ BD10 which they will use to start a small business. The profits from the business will be donated to charity after the students have repaid the original loan. The BD10 Challenge will culminate in a market place activity.  inJAZ, loosely translated as ‘to achieve something” were invited into the Senior School, at the beginning of February, to launch the activity. Students were guided through an inJAZ programme entitled ‘Entrepreneurship – a Master Class’.  This programme provided our students with an outline of what it takes to set up and run a business, skills that will be invaluable when the BD10 Challenge commences imminently. You can find out more about inJAZ through their website www.injazbh.org