Apr 122017
Year 6 Go Retro!

Year 6 children recently celebrated the end of their history topic about British history since 1940 with a fabulous History Day.

The children all turned up wearing a wide array of costumes from different decades – Elvis Presley, Sid Vicious, Michael Jackson and even the Spice Girls made an appearance! There were a wide range of activities for them to complete on different aspects of British life in the last 70 years including a QR Code quiz and jigsaw puzzles depicting iconic photographs from that time.

The highlight, however, were the wonderful musical performances from each class. Our Music Department had been working with them for weeks so that they could play and dance a specific song from one decade. All of the children performed magnificently.

Mrs Cranage had organised the hall to be decorated beautifully for our Great British Street Party and the children enjoyed typical British party food: cucumber sandwiches, apple crumble and Jammy Dodger biscuits. Lovely!

As Jessica (Olivia Newton-John) from 6E said, “The whole day was groovy!”