May 232017
Houses Victorious 

The end of Term 2 House Assembly was ambitious to say the least! The theme was a chocolate egg hunt around the school in the form of Anneka Rice’s 1982 UK TV programme, Treasure Hunt. After a quick history lesson consisting of the 1990s Cadbury’s Creme Egg advert and a clip from Treasure Hunt itself, it was time to see if the helicopter had landed with St Chris’ very own Anneka Rice, Mrs Teague, in it. With a red jumpsuit, blonde hair and massive earphones on, she looked the part! Mr Coast (Falcon), Mrs Lodwig (Kestrel), Mrs Mulleague (Merlin) and Mrs Etches (Osprey) had the challenge to hunt the different areas of the school in search of the chocolate eggs. Of course, in true ‘Treasure Hunt’ style they couldn’t progress until the children had solved the clues! Mrs Etches ended up in Mr Goodwin’s office, Mrs Mulleague found her egg in the library, Mrs Lodwig had to tackle the climbing frame, while Mr Coast found himself in the swimming pool! Of course, everything was filmed live with Mrs Teague running to each area and speaking directly to us in the hall so we could help solve the clues. In the end it was Mrs Lodwig who ran back into the hall first with her chocolate egg held high, Mrs Mulleague was close on her tail with Mr Coast, soaking wet, behind. Mrs Etches managed to sneak down the side of the hall holding aloft her egg. The assembly ended with Miss Lambert challenging the children to go on their own treasure hunt around school to find the House birds. It was fantastic to see everyone so excited to run around the school looking for them. It was a great way to finish the term and Crazy Hair Day added to the thrill of it all! Well done everyone!