Jun 202017
Well Done to You All!


The annual Year 6 and Year 7 Celebration of Achievement Ceremony took place on Sunday 11 June. Once again, we gathered to celebrate the achievements of our Year 6 pupils as they come to the end of an era and progress to the Senior School and, for our Year 7 students, as they conclude and reflect on their first year at the Senior School.

After a welcome address which was delivered by the Head of Senior School, Mr Nick Wilson, the event was handed over to a team of excellent student presenters who took to the stage to read out the names of each award recipient.

Awards ranged from Academic Achievement, Outstanding Progress, Community Service, Global Citizenship, Effort, Form Tutor Prizes, Autonomous Learner Awards and Class Peer Prizes. A notable highlight of the event was the address from Mr Goodwin and the awarding of the prestigious Principal’s Award to Isabel Pieterson in Year 6 and to Thalia Saghbini in Year 7. Mr Goodwin acknowledged the quality of the student presenters and congratulated all the award winners. The event was enriched with five musical interludes by Year 6 and Year 7 students.