Oct 242017
Welcome Y8 & Y9 Parents

On 4 October, parents and students in Years 8 and 9 attended an evening session to find more about school life in these years.  Welcomed by Mr Pearce, Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for Year 9, the evening progressed with a talk by Mrs Rowark, Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for Year 8.  Mrs Rowark explained the structure of the curriculum, the homework demands and the range of extra-curricular activities available to students.  A key focus of her talk was also on the St Christopher’s student and the concepts of The Autonomous Learner, the Competent Individual and the Global Citizen.  Mr Pearce then briefed the assembled parents on the learning strategies employed in the classroom and also the many ways parents can further support the learning of the sons or daughters. As he stressed, using the video ‘Shift Happens’, the school is endeavouring to prepare our students for a future world with technology that has not yet been developed!  The evening progressed with a presentation on Growth Mindset by Mrs Rowark. Mr Wilson, Head of Senior School, concluded the evening with a summary of the many successes of the school including a brief summary of the recent examination results. He finally thanked the parents for attending the evening and for their ongoing support.