Jan 232018
 Weighing the Options

An important rite of passage for any Year 9 student is choosing their options for GCSE and, on the 16 January 2018, the Options Evening, a vital part of this process, took place in the Sports Hall. The event, which was extremely well attended by students and their parents, opened with an address by Mr Bryon Pearce, Assistant Head of Senior School and SMT link for Year 9. The opening address outlined the whole Options programme step by step, clearly explaining the on-going changes to GCSE, IGCSE and the new phased grading system. Once the formal part of the proceedings were over, students and their parents  had the opportunity to speak on a one to one basis with the various staff and Year 10 student subject representatives, in order to gauge the different demands of the GCSE subjects. Clearly, the evening was a resounding success; many parents were hugely complimentary about the clarity of information given on the evening and the assistance it had afforded, which would enable their sons and daughters to make well informed decisions about the next important stage in their education.