
Jun 252015
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Much to be Proud Of!

Our final Proud Assembly for this year surpassed even our high expectations as so many children spoke out so confidently and so passionately on such a wide variety of their hobbies and interests.

On the artistic side we had Ayah (4C), Ben (6E) Ferne (5F) and Clementine (5E) who wowed us with the variety of art work they presented. Isabel (6F) shared her special interest of decoupage and showed us proudly some of her own work.

Sports were represented by the two Bens and John (6E) with a power point and trophies that revealed the true extent of their commitment to Bahrain’s U12’s Rugby Club football team. Arianna and Osian (5E) gave us a brief overview of Karate and the meanings of the various belts, together with an exciting demonstration of their skills. Hannah (3D), Jamiela (5A) and Daisy (5E) spoke passionately about their horse-riding and showed us video clips of themselves in action, looking extremely confident on their horses. They also told us about the trophies and awards they have gained.

We were delighted also to hear from Nadine 4B, Tessa (5F) and Leah (5F) who presented very clearly on what it means to be part of the Brownies and recited for us the Brownie promise. We also asked all of the girls who are brownies to stand and we were amazed by just how many of our pupils currently participate. Jayden (4D) explained how hard work and perseverance in his LAMDA activities meant he has learnt to project his voice and become more confident.

Alejandra and Maya (5F) entertained us from the field of dance as did Katie (3E) who was very light on her feet with a display of Irish dancing. It would not have been a proud assembly without some musical talent being shared and we all loved Shannon’s 4D piece on the violin as it seemed to come alive in her hands and the piano/violin duet of Aseel (5C) and Sulaf (6E) who were in great harmony together.

Mr Wilkins and Mrs Dales also gave out a number of golden brush and golden hammer awards and shared a powerpoint of this year’s work in both Art and D.T.

Congratulations to all who took part. I am sure you have inspired others with your passion and determination to do well in your chosen pursuits. Thank you!

Proud Assembly FInal 2015_1