
Jun 252015
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Shake, Rattle, Roll and so much more …

Year 1 and 2 embraced the opportunity to showcase their dances in their assembly this week, when they performed to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They have been working really hard in their dance lessons this term and enjoyed learning dances from different time periods and cultures. Mr Dales and Miss Lambert felt that their expertise had to be shown to the school!


Year 1 dressed in bells and danced with handkerchiefs to demonstrate their Morris dancing. They also showed off their excellent timing in the Circassian Circle. Year 2 performed the twist and the hand jive in their Rock ‘n’ Roll dances to Shake Rattle and Roll and Johnny Be Good. They also brought us up to date, performing a dance off, showing off their breakdancing and street dancing skills. Well done to all the dancers! You were amazing!