
Jun 252015
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Celebrating the Creative

St Christopher’s Senior School Art Exhibition was formally opened by His Excellency, Mr Iain Lindsay, British Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain, on Tuesday 26 May 2015. The Exhibition celebrated the excellent Artwork of our Advanced Level, Advanced Subsidiary Level and GCSE students. Forty-four students exhibited this year and there were over five hundred pieces of large scale Artwork on display and over one hundred sketchbooks, each mapping the progress of a project from the initial notion to the finalised expression. All students were encouraged to celebrate their heritage, explore an extensive variety of cultures and examine both historical and contemporary methods of artistic expression through different topics.


The product of their comprehensive investigations was apparent in the unique body of work on display this year seeing students producing work in the forms of Painting and Drawing, Sculpture, Installation, Animation, Photography, Happenings and Textiles. It was especially exciting to see students using traditional and unusual art resources to develop their pieces and much of the work had strong Design Technology elements to it. The Exhibition has been documented in the the Art Catalogue 2015.