Dec 112012
Time to Shine

Entering and leaving the hall to Heather Small’s lyrics once a term we “step out of the ordinary” and have an extremely special Junior School assembly.  To be selected to take part pupils first have to be nominated by their year group or by a specialist teacher. These children then come together and share with the rest of the school what it is that they feel particularly proud of.

This term’s assembly began with Ben playing the cello and he confidently spoke to us about the progress he has made of late. Ophelia and Aaliah shared their work in illustrating the St Chris cook book which they proudly announced is on sale at Jashamal Seef,  in addition to being available  in school. Nikita sang and played the guitar and she commented  afterwards “I really enjoyed performing and did not feel nervous at all!”  Cem shared a power point presentation illustrating his new found passion for sailing. From Leyan we heard about her cheerleading skills and Zach told us about his artistic talents and showed us some of the art work he has produced out of school. We heard all about Mohammed’s football trophy from “Kick off” and Grace shared a very worthwhile project she undertook of making lavender bags and selling them to raise money for an animal charity.

From left: Leyan Ghaith 4A, Aaliah Al Shahry 5C, Ophelia Lorijn 5E, Zack Shamma 4B and Mohamed Gaith 3A

From Left: Nikita Azua 5F, Cem Rockell 5B, Ben Brandreth 6A and Grace Bullman 3F

Most certainly multi talented across a wide range of fields, I was delighted to present them with their participation certificates and thus give them yet another reason to feel proud!