Jun 262013
Oh what a Quacking Good Show

St Christopher’s Junior School children  have  tapped, stomped, leapfrogged and stood to attention in their latest show-stopping production HONK! The award-winning West End musical was the top pick for the Year 5 and 6 students this year and the children have been working their ‘webbed feet off’ on the show since January. The story is a familiar one of the Ugly Duckling but retold with a modern twist, namely, with the addition of the arch villain, The Cat. The music is uplifting and inspired by the eras of swing and jazz.

Mrs Bataineh said, “The children sang their hearts out and the costume and live music were superb! Thanks to everyone who made this possible. It was a real team effort!”

Abbie Telford took the lead as Ugly, with Ben Brandreth as Drake, the hapless father of the duckling family, and Ida was played by Naeemah Winter. The talent is always a surprise and the energy and enthusiasm is a great spin-off to large productions such as these at St Christopher’s. Sophia Lord, 5B said ” I  loved  this show, it was so exciting to be on stage!”. We were particularly grateful to our live band which was made up of St Christopher’s School staff and all the class  teachers and parent helpers who  made this a show to remember. HONK! was generously sponsored by HSBC and AXA, and supported by Alosra and Party Mania.