News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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A New Perspective

On Monday 21 October, the whole of Year 6 had the pleasure of being invited to the Senior School to watch the Year 13 Drama performance entitled ‘Skin Deep’. The children were very excited to be going to the Senior School and ended up thoroughly enjoying watching the performance. After the show there was a 10 minute Question and Answer session with the four Year 13 girls. The children asked the performers some really challenging questions about their show and also paid many compliments towards their group’s performance. Insightful comments were made about the focus of the performers, their excellent choreography and how they used both humour and moments of silence to create effect. Charlotte Axtell, aged 10 said, “It was out of the ordinary and a pleasure to watch”. Will Shepherd-Smith complimented the group by saying “I liked how you made the adverts which showed a comic way of how you can improve your life “. All of the Year 6 students agreed that the performance was meaningful and educational, and they came away with the message that everyone is beautiful in their own way.