News@St-Chris Vol 2.03/Nov 2013

Nov 072013
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We’re Privileged

Hannah Bricklebank reports that the 32 Year 11 and Sixth Form Thailand Community Service Trip to the green hills of Chiang Rai on the Burmese border was another huge achievement this year. Being able to build a classroom for the much deserving Ban Huaypasang School, Mae-ai , knowing that it would benefit the lives of all the students was rewarding within itself. The arduous carrying of sand, rocks and cement was all worth it when we saw the end result and we were bombarded with hugs and smiles from all of the young Thai students who selflessly took part in the construction of the classroom with us. Not only this, but with the extra money collected by Youssef and Milan, we are now able to sponsor another child, so that she will be able to make it through another school. We also met the young boy whom St Chris has been sponsoring for a while now. It is different to be told that St Chris is sponsoring the boy than when you actually meet him, because it was inspiring to know that we have all helped his future by being able to give him the education required. From this and seeing the school facilities that they had, we learnt to be very grateful for the great school campus we have in St Christopher’s, and we were appreciative for the small things we have like proper bathroom facilities and air conditioning. Even though building the school was our main goal, we also took part in team building activities such as rock climbing and rafting which were incredible experiences and we were able to come out of our comfort zones. We hope to continue to sponsor more children over the years, but this trip was a once in a lifetime experience and well done to everyone who took part; and many thanks to Kirsty McKay, Jamie O’Dowd and Steve Keeble for accompanying.