News@St-Chris Vol 6.05/JAN2018

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Eco Hour Brightens Up the School!


On Sunday 3 December all of the children and staff embarked on the first step towards becoming an Eco School. At 13:15 all of the classes had lessons about the environment. The children turned off lights and found out amazing facts about what we are doing to the environment. Reception designed environmentally friendly cars, Year 3 wrote letters to local restaurants asking them to stop using plastic straws and Year 4 made quizzes about our use of water. Year 5 designed recycled clothing or furniture and Year 6 wrote letters to the government requesting a ban on plastic bags.

The aim is to make the children ambassadors for the earth and get them to understand that ‘they can be the change.’

Parents watch out you may be quizzed about the amount of water you are using or find your house in darkness!

 Other Eco news

Yaseen Ahmed and Sophia Garbutt were the winners of the first stunning school Bag for Life competition. The children created brilliant designs which have been printed onto fashionable green bags which will help you stop using plastic bags at the shops! They only cost 3BD and the profit from these bags will go towards having a St Christopher’s artificial reef, so make sure you buy your bag for life. Make sure you buy one before we sell out!