News@St-Chris Vol 5.01/Sep2016

Sep 282016
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So much to do, so much to see

In June, 20 Year 12 students flew to Tanzania on a World Challenge Community Service Trip. Longer than previous expeditions, the students divided their time between building and painting rural primary schools, hiking through jungles and along wild rivers, learning traditional Swahili cooking methods, seeing big cats on safari and relaxing on the beautiful beaches of the Indian Ocean. It was an incredible experience for everyone involved.


One of the features of this type of trip is the onus that is placed on the students to take responsibility for the itinerary and budget. They each took it in turns to be Team Leader, which involved deciding what we would eat that day, where we would sleep and how much money we could spend on building materials for the project phase. The students excelled and demonstrated some impressive leadership and teamwork skills. All of them learned valuable lessons that they will take with them to university and beyond. Tanzania is a stunning country and being able to immerse ourselves in the culture, learn some of the language and work with local communities was a very rewarding experience.