News@St-Chris Vol 1.01/Oct 2012

Welcome to our First Edition of News@St-Chris

Oct 162012
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Getting to Know You

At the beginning of each school year, the St Christopher’s Sixth Form organises events to help integrate the Lower and Upper Sixth with one another – this year’s first such event was the Sixth Form Barbecue/Music Shuffle. The Barbecue has been a tradition at the school for several years now, and this time, the students chose to incorporate a musical element that involved the random placement of individual performers in bands to perform on the night.

From singers to drummers and guitarists, everyone who performed showed their audience their passion for their instrument and guests were treated to a delicious barbecue, catered by Al Saha Restaurant, Jidhafs.

The completely student-organised event was a huge success, and provided the new Year 12s, as well as new students to the school, the opportunity to integrate with the Upper Sixth. This is just one of many student-run events scheduled to happen this year, and the Barbecue has definitely proved an excellent start.