News@St-Chris Vol 2.10/May 2014

May 152014
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Spelling Day 2014 – Are you ready for the challenge?

We had a fantastic day attempting lots of spellings (some hard and some easy) and earning some of those vital House points. 5A and 6C were kind enough to take on the job as spelling monitors and helped oversee the day. All the children had chance to move between the various spelling stations which all had a different focussed spelling pattern. Ferne Wilkins said, “I enjoyed practising my –ed spellings” and Sophie Clune said that she enjoyed learning new words.  It was lovely to see so many children (and teachers!) employing their phonic patterns to spell tricky words. All in all, a great day with lots of effort being put in by all. Special thanks to the spelling monitors, who seemed to enjoy it too. Eve Kenna (5A monitor) said, “I really liked it because I could help the little kids to spell.”

 A massive well done to everyone but especially to Osprey for the 2014 win of the Inter-House Spelling Competition.

Osprey  –  200 hpts      –      Merlin – 175 hpts      –      Kestrel – 150 hpts      –      Falcon – 125 hpts

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