News@St-Chris Vol 3.02/Oct 2014

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The (Year) 6 Mosque-teers

First of all, we must thank Layla Hamad in 6B for coming up with the tremendous headline to this article! On the 22 and 23 September, the Year 6 children visited Al-Fateh Mosque to learn more first-hand about mosques and their features.

Y6 Mosque Trip

We enjoyed an excellent talk from the staff at the mosque and then they gave us a tour, pointing out the areas and features which we have been discussing at school. We were very impressed by the answers the children gave and their very polite manners. The children were also thrilled to be given some gifts from the mosque on the day! As Layla said, “It was unforgettable!”

Even though some of us had visited the mosque before, we all learned something new and it was great being able to spot things in the mosque which we had seen on the whiteboards back in class.