News@St-Chris Vol 3.02/Oct 2014

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Controlled Assessments

In an attempt to further support those students undertaking the GCSE Modern World History Examination this summer, the History department held a Controlled Assessment Evening which all parents and students associated with the subject were invited to attend. The audience, which was in excess of 130, was provided with key information relating to the Controlled Assessment which is worth 25% of the final GCSE History examination. Each member of the department focused on a separate element of the Controlled Assessment, and Mr Mole and Mr O’ Shaughnessy introduced Diigo, an IT programme specifically aimed at assisting students to gather and access material related to the topics under investigation. Advice was given on how to structure a good response to each of the specific source–based assignments, which this year will focus on the Civil Rights campaign which developed during the 1950s and 60s in the USA. This is a hugely interesting and relevant topic which enables the students to research and discover a wealth of information about individuals such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and the controversial Malcolm X. The students have now begun to undertake this section of the course and their enthusiasm and interest have been impressive to note. As always, should you seek any additional advice or guidance relating to any aspect of History please do not hesitate to get in contact via .