News@St-Chris Vol 3.07/Mar2015

Mar 052015
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London Art/Drama Trip


Students participating in the London Art and Drama Trip enjoyed a magical myriad of theatrical and artistic experiences during their six days in London. Despite the collective fatigue resulting from the overnight flight, everyone thoroughly enjoyed “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”. Mrs Leap, Mr Mulleague and the students also managed to see the hard-hitting “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” at the National Theatre after a fascinating back-stage tour, the hilarious “39 Steps” and the amazing “Matilda”. Possibly the most unusual experience of the trip was “Grimm Tales”, a delightfully dark and twisted immersive fairy-tale experience in a remarkable environment that felt like an eerily atmospheric art installation.


The Art itinerary included the Tate Modern, the Tate Britain and the National Gallery. The artistic highlight though, had to be “Pop Art: East Meets West”, a major survey of the impact of the Pop Art movement on culture from the 1960s at the Saatchi Gallery. Students also enjoyed the retail opportunities of Covent Garden and Camden Town and the spectacular views afforded by the London Eye. It was an unforgettable trip and we would like to express our appreciation to Bahrain Financing Company for their generous sponsorship.

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