News@St-Chris Vol 3.07/Mar2015

Mar 052015
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Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams

Junior Boys Football (Under 13) League Champions

The Under 13 Junior Football team finished the season once again undefeated and, as a result, they were once again League Champions. This year, we used a large pool of players for each game. The Captain, Blair Hopkins, said he was delighted with the performances throughout the season. This Year’s Player of The Season goes to George Axtell and the Most Improved Player goes to Louis Mulleague.

Coach: Rob Subbiani

The Squad

George Axtell Louis Mulleague
Sebastian Timmers Kareem  Bagaeen
Blair Hopkins – Captain Colby Altman
Liam Chapman Rayan Ali
Usman Zafar Hashem Ghandoure
Bader Jalal Talal Al Saffar
Aiden Shretta Basil Manna
Majeed Al Nooh Mohammed Al Khalifa
Callum Dawson – Vice Captain Mitch Haseid

Junior Boys Leage Winners


Intermediate Boys Football

St Christopher’s Intermediate Boys Football Team swept all before them once again as they retained their League title with a 100% winning record.


Despite being tested by a number of well-organised and defensive teams, the squad overcame these challenges with great maturity and discipline.  Ali Mattar replicated his goal scoring heroics of the previous season, netting in every game for an incredible total of sixteen in just six games.  He was ably supported by a superb season from Xander Balet, who played all over the pitch and contributed a healthy return of four goals, predominantly from the wing.  In midfield, Kieran Hanahoe and Mohamed Fazli pulled the strings, and were combative in the tackle and creative and dynamic in possession.  They were capably supported by Sean Chapman, Jordan Baker, Adam Shamma, Sam Janahi and Mustafa Zafar.  A defence marshalled admirably by Naz Yousef proved miserly to even the toughest opposition attack, and Hasan Dailami, Callum Rennie, Bradley Altman, Arnau Elias and goalkeepers Ethan ‘the Cat’ Murray and Jassim ‘the Kitten’ AlSaegh were invaluable contributors to a fine defensive performance.  St Chris Intermediate Boys also ended the season as BSME Football Champions, having captured that title in November.

Senior Boys Football

Quite simply, the best Senior Boys Football season ever!!


After a very long season which saw training beginning in September, and winning the Unity Cup in February, the Senior Boys knew that victory against local rivals IKNS in their final game of the season would see them crowned Champions for the third season running and by doing so, complete an unprecedented League and Cup double, a feat never previously achieved by the Senior Boys Football Team. After a nervous start from a team clearly feeling the effects of their Dubai triumph the weekend previously, we slowly began to find our feet and to show signs of the standard of football that had seen us be so successful during the season. A final, victorious score of 4:1 confirmed a notable League victory. Congratulations to a team full of character, heart and no little talent. As ever, they were a pleasure to work with and for those leaving players, certainly a season of unsurpassed memories! ~ Mr Pearce and Mr Wortley