News@St-Chris Vol 6.09/May2018

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Bonne Chance!

On Thursday 3 May, thirty St Christopher’s Senior School students sat the DELF Examinations at the Alliance Francaise. While we await the results, which are due to be released in late May, we are confident in the ability of our students to meet or even exceed their potential. One student in particular stood out during the examination. Giselle Nascimento Dias, 11G sat the B2 examinations. For reference, this is the level required by students to be granted the opportunity to study in French universities. Giselle’s performance was so impressive that she was offered a Scholarship by the Alliance Francaise to study in Nice. Giselle will be joined on the Cote D’Azur by two other St Christopher’s Senior School students: Vansh Patel, 10F and Khushi Kotilaine, 10D. These two students successfully applied for the French Embassy Jules Verne Scholarship Programme. We would like to express our gratitude to the Alliance Francaise and the French Embassy in Bahrain for providing our students with these wonderful opportunities. We wish all three students a highly enjoyable summer in Nice, and trust that they will take full advantage of their immersion in the French language and culture. We cannot stress enough the importance of sitting the DELF examinations, especially for students wishing to apply for the Jules Verne Scholarships in the future.