News@St-Chris Vol 5.07/March2017

Mar 222017
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It’s a Small World After All

St Christopher’s Global Citizens’ Day is an annual event to raise the children’s knowledge, awareness and understanding of global issues and how their actions can make a difference globally.

The day began with heavy rain but nothing could dampen the spirit of the day.

The National Costume Parade was moved indoors and began the programme of events. Excited children followed a carefully planned route around the school and its halls. Many parents attended and clapped and cheered the parading children wearing their patriotic and colourful clothing.

Infant and Junior year groups were paired with each other for the valuable activities that followed.

Nursery and Year 3 took part in drama activities to highlight the differences between a typical day in their life and that of a child living in another part of the world.

The activity designed for Reception and Year 4 involved discussing the meaning of ‘unity’ and then creating a large tree collage made up of their decorated hand outlines (which were purposely touching to symbolize interdependence).

Years 1 and Five worked together to identify the meaning of ‘community’ by reading a book entitled ‘What is a Community?’ They then created a large display made up of circles split into quadrants – each of which depicted a different type of community and had been decorated by a different child.

What shape is our world? This was the question explored by Year 2 and Year 6. Each of the children was given 5 circles of varying sizes. They were asked to complete their own design for a poster to explore the theme which should be based on the shape of their home country. These would be displayed at the end of the lesson as one large collaboration.

Congratulations and thank you to the enthusiastic children, staff and parents for helping to create such a valuable and enjoyable day and for promoting a better understanding of what it means to be a global citizen.