News@St-Chris Vol 5.07/March2017

Mar 222017
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Taking Over the Slopes
Junior Ski Trip

Timed perfectly to coincide with the deluge of rain that swept across Bahrain in mid-February, the Junior School Ski Trip offered 53 intrepid adventurers the opportunity to escape to an alpine paradise, bask in the sun and learn many new skills.

Anzère is perfect resort for our annual trip to Switzerland; small, friendly and picturesque. Every year I look forward to the moment, halfway up our mountain ascent from Sion, when the mood in the bus is just the right balance of awe, anticipation and excitement. Arriving into the village this year was no different and almost served to cast a magic spell over our group which endured for about 7 days (until the first suitcase was loaded back into the coach for our return to Geneva Airport).

Skiing is not an easy business. When done competently, like so many physical pursuits, it looks serene, effortless and relaxing. In the nicest possible way, those are not adjectives that could describe the initial St Chris forays onto the pistes. On perfect snow, under the clearest of blue skies, our young charges took time to learn how to fasten boots correctly, clear snow-covered skis and adjust goggles. The goal is not just to learn how to ski, but rather, to become skiers.

The trademark St Chris attributes of resilience, perseverance, collaboration and consumption of copious amounts of Swiss hot chocolate were in evidence each day. I was genuinely blown away by the progress all of our skiers made over the week. Credit for that must go primarily to them, but also to our fantastic Viamonde counsellors who are so very much more than just ski instructors. The care, attention and compassion they show (to the teachers as well as the children!) help us achieve by Friday what might have appeared insurmountable on Monday.
Along with Mrs Gosling, Mrs Ashall, Mrs Lodwig and Mr Dawson, it was my pleasure to lead such a fine group and take pride telling fellow travellers we were from St Christopher’s, Bahrain. In every respect, the group were wonderful ambassadors for our community, of whom we should all be proud. I think we can safely say not only did they learn to ski but, for one wondrous week at least, they became skiers.

Senior Ski Trip

In the early hours of Friday 17 February, 41 excited students gathered to start the long journey to Torgon in Switzerland for this year’s ski trip. After flights to Abu Dhabi and Geneva and a coach journey from the airport, we all arrived in the sleepy village of Torgon on the French/Swiss border. There was less snow than expected but this did not deter everyone from immersing themselves in skiing. The abilities ranged from absolute beginners to seasoned campaigners with everyone making significant progress in their skiing. The evening activities ranged from a night walk with camp fire and hot chocolate to a roller disco and climbing wall. Before we knew it, it was time to pack the bags, return the ski equipment, say a few fond farewells to the instructors and resort staff before making our way down the mountain to the airport for our return flights. Roll on 2018.