News@St-Chris Vol 6.04/Dec2017

Dec 122017
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Infant and Junior School Staff Teams: Bahrain Marathon Relay

To be selected for one of the two Saar staff teams for the annual Bahrain Marathon Relay run is becoming increasingly challenging. The standard set by our runners quite simply just scared a lot of people away. That and the fact that our teams usually finish in the dark when everything has been packed up.

But once again we were proud to represent our school at this very worthwhile event. Training had been somewhat limited by the realisation that no one fancied it very much but we knew that our natural talent would see us through. Wishful thinking at its finest.

The day itself was thankfully cool and somewhat damp – perfect running conditions and the teams arrived at their leg starts with renewed optimism. Well, all but one arrived at their leg start….discretion prevents me from mentioning any names.

The two team captains, our school nurse Kirsten Blore and myself, Rob van der Eyken, were both immensely proud of our teams’ efforts. We may not have won. We may not have come second or third or….This could go on a while. However; persistence, growth mindset, resilience and downright stubbornness saw us all home and in decent time too.

All of our runners thoroughly enjoyed the day and we thank them all for taking part in such a charity fundraiser. Many thanks to all of those who were going to run but injury, illness or Ed Sheeran in Dubai prevented them. Thanks also to our school who once again sponsored our efforts.