Swapping War Stories

“It was fascinating to hear about the different countries he had visited as a soldier.” Ahmed Al Khalifa 6B
“Sergeant Allen gave us lots of fascinating facts about his life in the army.” Brad Lenard 6B
On Thursday 8 November, pupils at both Saar and Isa Town welcomed a special visitor. Retired Sergeant, Michael Allen, formerly of the Royal Military Police, spent several hours with us.
In the early part of his career, Sergeant Allen saw service in Kenya, France and Borneo. He then spent many years alternating between Northern Ireland and Germany and was awarded the Accumulated Campaign Service Medal as a result.
During his time at the school he led a year six assembly, toured both Saar and Isa Town and visited numerous lessons. He especially enjoyed speaking to a Year 9 class as they learned about the differences between soldiers on the front line and their leaders in World War 1.
“Your pupils really are quite keen aren’t they?” said Sergeant Allen, who was very impressed with the questions our pupils asked and the welcome he received. He was also a talented diplomat. When asked by one pupil “Have you ever killed anyone?” “Not today!” he replied.
We presented him with a donation towards the excellent work undertaken by the Royal Hospital in Chelsea, a school DVD and a St Chris “Fiftieth Anniversary” pin. He added the St Chris pin to the medals on his bright red coat just for the duration of his visit to the school. He explained to us that there are very strict regulations as to what he can and what he cannot add to his uniform.
“Head Girl, Jenna Kamal and Deputy Head Boy, Elias Vouzounis represented the Student Body at the Remembrance Service where they laid a commemorative wreath”.